Personal Injury

ICBC Injury Claim

You may already know that you need to file a claim with ICBC after a car accident in Vancouver or elsewhere in British Columbia. However, you cannot rely on an ICBC claims adjuster to explain your rights or tell you the whole story about the compensation you may be entitled to receive. This is where YLD Lawyers can make a difference for you. ICBC may try to hurry you through the process, but we will take the time to:

  • Thoroughly review your case

  • Carefully explain your legal options

  • Aggressively pursue all compensation available to you.

We have a long record of securing ICBC settlements and court awards for clients in cases that have involved many different circumstances. We know how to pursue compensation that addresses the specific harm car accident victims and their families have suffered and helps them to move on with their lives. In your case, this compensation may include:

  • Past and future medical, rehabilitation and other out-of-pocket expenses

  • Past wage losses and loss of future earning capacity

  • Pain and suffering (including loss of enjoyment of life)

  • Compensation for surviving family members (including loss of services, financial support and the love, guidance, and affection of a loved one)

What do we do?

Our Lawyers works with highly skilled investigators. They help us to determine why a car accident happened and who was at fault. We also frequently consult with knowledgeable medical, financial and accident reconstruction experts. We develop solid cases for ICBC settlement negotiations and often secure compensation for our clients without the need to go to trial. However, we prepare each case to be ready for court if going to trial is what it takes. Our law firm’s MVA Support Team is wholly dedicated to working closely with our clients to pursue the compensation they are due. The team also helps to reduce many of the other burdens that our clients face in the aftermath of an auto accident, including helping them to navigate the medical system so they get the best care possible.